Contains:  Solar system body or event
Red Spot Transit Animation, 29 Mar 2013, David Dearden

Red Spot Transit Animation, 29 Mar 2013



Acquisition details



Animated GIF made from Jupiter videos. The seeing was not great, but this was fun to do. I'll probably have to wait until next season to attempt to improve on this. My main reason for making the animated GIF (besides that it looks cool) is so I can be sure the features I'm observing are real and not the result of severely overprocessing the images.

Date: 29 Mar 2013, 9:15-10:18 PM MST

Subject: Jupiter with Red Spot Transit

Scope: AT8IN, 3x + 2x Barlows stacked (f/24, 4800 mm)

Mount: CG-5

Guiding: PHD (using Callisto)

Camera: Meade LPI

Acquisition: Craterlet

Exposure: ~130 s ~2 fps AVI

Stacking: Registax 6, automatic alignpoint selection, best 50 frames/alignpoint

Processing: Registax 6 wavelets
